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Thomas Walther

Other Pictures

Other Pictures

An avid collector of photographs finds himself compelled to look past another vintage print by Walker Evans of Edward Weston. He discovers compelling, magically composed snapshots of a couple, a family, a street scene, or a naked woman. He finds these pictures in family albums, shoe boxes, and at flea markets. They are photography's $5 miracles.

With dedication and intensity, Thomas Walther, a visionary collector of photography, has been sorting through the seemingly superfluous vernacular photography of this century. Other Pictures is his selection of over 150 images from his "other" collection, of found images.

twin palms publishers
august 2000
8 x 10 inches
150 four-color plates
178 pages

isbn: 978-0-944092-82-8

Regular price $95.00
Regular price Sale price $95.00
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